中国史前玉学的发展及其变革 杨伯达 The Development and Revolution of Chinese Prehistoric Jadeology 002
对构建“中国玉学”理论体系若干问题的思考 曾卫胜 Thoughts on Several Issues of Constructing the Theoretical System of Chinese Jadeology 019
中国玉学体系构建纲要 徐琳 Outline of the Construction of Chinese Jadeology System 028
「考古与馆藏玉器研究」 试论红山先民的玉器观 郭大顺 On the Yu (Jade) Concept of Hongshan Culture 038
红山文明玉器的文化传统 朱乃诚 The Cultural Tradition of Jadewares in Civilized Period of Hongshan Culture 053
天津博物馆藏红山文化玉器研究 袁伟 Research on Hongshan Archaic Yu (Jade)in Tianjin Museum Collection 077
试论史前时期的矮筒形玉石镯 栾丰实 王芬 Preliminary Discussion on the Prehistoric Short Barrel-shaped Yu Bracelets 101
从流散欧美良渚古玉论良渚礼制及古玉仿赝 邓淑苹 Discussion on Liangzhu Etiquette System and Ancient Yu (Jade)Imitation from Ancient Yu Collections of Europe and America 119
玉琮、合符与双子琮 张明华 About Yu (Jade) Cong, Matched Symbol and Twins-Cong 156
良渚玉器的造型风格与视觉艺术 赵晔 On the Style and Art of Jadewares in Liangzhu Culture 165
社会复杂化进程中的钺杖——以环太湖流域新石器文化为视角 夏勇 An Observation to the Yu (Jade)Yue in the Context of Complex Society:Viewed from the Neolithic Culture in Lake Tai Valley 186
石家河遗址群谭家岭2015年出土玉器综述 刘辉 孟华平 A Summary of Jadewares Unearthed from the Tanjialing Site, Shijiahe in 2015 204 湖南孙家岗遗址出土玉器的初步研究 赵亚锋 A Preliminary Study on Yu (Jade) Artifacts Unearthed from Sunjiagang Site in Hunan Province 229
石家河文化玉柱形鹰、玉虎头像年代、功能新解 云希正 A New Explanation of the Date and Function of Yu (Jade) Eagle and Yu Tiger Head in Shijiahe Culture 249
后石家河文化和石峁文化玉雕相关问题再探讨 刘云辉 刘思哲 A Reconsideration of Yu (Jade) Carving of the Late Shijiahe Culture and Shimao Culture 263
论石峁皇城台26号石雕 顾万发 A Study of Stone Sculpture No.26 in the Huangchengtai Area at the Shimao Site 279
金沙玉琮三题 王明达 王雨吟 An Analysis of Cong Unearthed from the Jinsha Site 292
「玉器鉴定」 探寻玉龙的演变及时代风格 常素霞 Explore the Evolution and Period Characteristics of the Yu (Jade)Dragon 304
「玉料」 中国当代闪石玉矿资源及玉料感性特征举隅:对古玉材料判别的约束与参考(上篇) 丘志力 The Resources of Tremo-actinolite Yu (Jade) in Contemporary China and the General(Perceptual)Characteristics of Yu Materials: Constraint and Reference to the Discrimination of Ancient Yu Material Source 336
「玉海钩沉」 凌家滩遗址出土文物二三事 张敬国 口述 徐红霞 记录/编辑/拍摄 366
「会议及讲座纪要」 中国文物学会玉器专业委员会第四届会员代表会议召开 于明 378
玉器研究的里程碑——记“中国玉学理论构建学术研讨会” 于明 380